Inspired by the beautiful orange hibiscus flowers in our yard, I decided to repaint the mural located on the street in front of our place in Todos Santos. The mural is on what we call the old pila (water tank) that we turned into a planter a few years ago. It had a fish mural scene that I had painted but it had faded badly and looked dated. So it needed a fresh face.

First I made a sketch of a hibiscus flower design.

Then I put it into Photoshop layered over a photo of the pila to play with the design. I tried out different colors. This is what it looked like for my inspiration.

Next I freehand sketched it on to the pila and outlined it in dark brown. Then I started to put the colors on.

I continued painting and filling in my sketch with colors of paint I had on hand. Once the final coats of acrylic paint were on, I outlined it in a dark brown.

Hope you enjoyed seeing the process of my hibiscus mural.
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