Many years ago I read the book The Artist’s Way by Julie Cameron and there was an exercise in it where you write an encouraging letter to your inner artist (Task 8 in week 11). I just found mine the other day in a box. Here it is, although I did modify it slightly.
Dear Inner Artist,
Do not be afraid.
Let yourself go and flow.
You can be all that you want to be.
You can make art, sell it and support yourself and your family with art sales.
You can make enough $ to be able to afford the things that you want to own and travel the world.
People will buy the art that you make. You will be successful with your art and it’s sales.
You are a natural leader, a healer and a teacher and people learn from you.
Flow with the the natural rhythms of life that are here to guide and help support you.
You are a great artist!
You tap into your higher power and channel the creativity from the Source.

You have control over the life you lead by taking the choices presented to you and acting on them. You know that all that is, is not what it appears.
If you want to be a painter, than do it. If you want to be a creator, than do it. You have the resources and the talent.
Take your motivation and go with it.
You know what to do and if you don’t there are resources to help you learn.
Do not let anyone talk you out of it or tell you that you are not good enough because you are good enough and not “just” good enough but great!
You are unique and have something to share.
You uplift the spirit with your art. Your art is a celebration!
You are so, so, so loved! – From Me
“Expect the universe to support your dream and it will.” – Julia Cameron
Now it’s your turn. What does your inner artist need to hear?