Baja sunset

Questions to Cultivate Gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving, and I just want to wish you a heartfelt, grateful day of Thanks. Whatever you’ve got cookin’ to celebrate—whether it’s feasting, relaxing, or just soaking up the good vibes—I hope it warms your heart.

Oh, and I came across this neat article on Verywell Mind called “Ask Yourself These 20 Questions for the Emotional Boost We Crave This Time of Year.” It’s all about taking a moment to pause, reflect, and maybe see things in a whole new light. Perfect for this season of gratitude, don’t ya think?

Questions and Answers

The article drew me in. I immediately wanted to answer the questions so here they are from the article and my answers.

  1. What’s something small that made you smile today?
    My friends dog Bandito and his cute little face with his funny overbite.
  2. What’s something beautiful you’ve noticed in nature lately?
    The flowers in our yard are so gorgeous!
  3. What’s one thing you love about where you live?
    The sunshine and ocean view (in Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico)
  4. What’s one thing you’re grateful for at your work or school?
    Being creative.
  5. What’s a simple pleasure (like your morning coffee or a cozy blanket) that makes your day better?
    Loving on our doggies, Nikki and Riley. They brings me such joy!
  6. What’s one thing your body allows you to do that you’re grateful for?
    I love doing yoga and glad my body is limber to be able to.
  7. Who’s someone in your life you’re thankful for, and why?
    I am thankful for my sister as she is so supportive, a good listener and we must have a similar sense of humor as I love a good belly laugh with her!
  8. Who’s a friend or family member that has supported you recently?
    My husband is my biggest fan and supporter.
  9. What’s one thing you’re proud of accomplishing recently?
    I’ve been selling my designs on Amazon tshirts and I’m reaching some of my goals.
  10. What’s one piece of advice you’re thankful you received?
    Believe in your dreams, keep reaching toward them and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t.
  11. What’s something you’ve learned recently that made your life better?
    I am learning how to craft using toilet paper rolls and it’s great to use and recycle something to keep it out of the dump.
  12. What’s a challenge you overcame that taught you a lesson you’re grateful for?
    Try to use my spanish even though it is challenging. It’s the only way to improve!
  13. What’s a meaningful gift you’ve received?
    I received hugs from some new friends and that felt like a gift.
  14. What’s a random act of kindness you experienced?
    A nice Happy Thanksgiving text message from my cousin. 🙂
  15. What’s a skill or talent you have that you’re grateful for?
    Making art!
  16. What’s a hobby or interest that adds value to your life?
    Sunset watching! I love it. The ocean and sunset views from our deck our so inspiring.

  17. What’s a tradition or holiday that you look forward to?
    I am looking forward to Christmas.
  18. What’s a place you’ve visited that made you feel happy or inspired?
    Going down to the beach near our house and walking in the sand and looking at the ocean. And maybe seeing whales spouting.
  19. What’s one thing you’re looking forward to right now?
    Experiencing the holiday season with Christmas decorations, gift giving and holiday events.
  20. What’s a happy memory that brings you joy?
    All the fun travels we have done. This year we went to Mexico City and Oaxaca.

    How about you? Any happy memories you want to share?
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Lumaprints Partner Spotlight Artist

Lumaprints, who I partnered with a few years ago, asked me to be a Partner Spotlight Artist for their blog. It features an artist interview and photos of my work.

I love artist’s interviews and have done a few over the years such as the one for Art is Fun. So I was thrilled to do it. I love partnering with Lumaprints as they make beautiful prints!

My customers love the prints too! You can read some of my 5 star Etsy Reviews in my Etsy Shop.

Lumaprints Partner Spotlight artist Lindy Gaskill

I like the article’s introduction. Particularly where they say – “Lindy, an acrylic painter and creator of vibrant, whimsical art, resides in the Pacific Northwest and draws inspiration from the region’s lush landscapes. With a passion for infusing her creations with vivid hues, her work reflects her energy and joy. Her art marries the beauty of nature with expressive artistry, offering a feast of color for the eyes and soul.”

Inspired by vivid color and nature

I feel energized and happy when creating with vivid colors. Nature inspires me with birds, trees, and shapes like my favorite, the swirl! You can see my style in these pieces below.

Lindy Gaskill Etsy Shop

A few things I love about my artist feature, besides the introduction are the great questions such as about my creative process and other questions like – How do you handle creative blocks or challenges in your work? and Can you share some of your most successful pieces on Etsy, and what you believe contributed to its success?

I enjoy reading the Partner Spotlight series myself! Reading what other artists are doing and finding new art to admire is inspiring! Every artist has a story and I especially love learning an artist’s process and what inspires them.

Lumaprints Blog

You too can read the Lumaprints blog. Read the Partner Spotlight series, and more and be inspired!

Check out my artist interview here:

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positive affirmations card

Digital Download Affirmation Card Deck

My digital download Affirmation Card Deck is one tool I use for creating the life that I want to live. I believe these positive words help me manifest my goals and keep positive energy running through my life.

To help you with having positive affirmations in your life, I’ve created a few digital download Affirmation Card Decks which you can purchase inexpensively in my Etsy Shop. Print them out and use them in your personal projects. They are not for commercial use or for reselling.

Above all, they can help you get to the heart of what you want to create in your life. It’s sort of like reprogramming your mind to think a certain way. I believe we are what we think we are. So using positive affirmations is self-talk that can benefit you in lots of ways!

intentions card deck etsy

Positive Affirmation Card Decks

The best way you phrase positive affirmations is if they are already true. Not that you would like them to be true but that they already are true!

Sometimes your mind will register a negative word even though you are saying it positively. So be careful how you word affirmations. You may say, “I no longer feel stress” but the word stress is what your mind hears so if you say instead, “I feel peace within” you are more apt to actually feel peaceful.

There are so many places you can put these cards so you see them during the day. Put them on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, your window sill, in your pocket or purse. Tape it to the dash in your car or on your computer screen. Remind yourself how wonderful and creative you are with these affirmations!

Card Deck for Wellness and Weight Loss

In addition, I have a Deck for Wellness and Weight Loss. A DIY card deck to help you commitment to your health and fitness goals.

Sometimes I will pick a card for the day and repeat the affirmation throughout my day. I love the little reminder and to help me with staying fit.

Intention Words Card Deck

And there is a deck with individual intention words. Get started using intentions with this colorful card deck.

By setting an intention before you get up in the morning or before your meditation or yoga practice, it allows the Universe to know how you would like your life to proceed. My Intention card deck comes with an instruction sheet on how to use them with intention sentences.

Artist Use of the Intention Deck

If you are an artist, you can also use these cards to inspire you while you paint! Are you stuck with what to paint next? Pick a card from the deck, for example it might be the “Passion” card. What mark or image can you make that represents that word? Maybe use red in your next paint stroke, or make a heart or kiss shape.

Then pick another card. Maybe it is the “Quiet” card. What represents that word? Is it a soft breeze? A light stroke? Paint what you feel when you think of that word. Or use the colors from the cards. Pick a card and use the colors from it in your next paint strokes. Let your imagination take over and tap into your intuition.

Free Bookmarks

There are also 3 free om lotus bookmarks with all the downloads.

Create the life that you want with these positive affirmation cards. Have fun using them!

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10 ways to attract positive energy

10 Ways to Attract Positive Energy into Your Life

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

This is a repost from March of 2015 with a couple modifications.

I’ve listed 10 things that I try to do to attract positive energy into my life. I’ve put a positive affirmation to go with each one.

1. Accept myself and my situation as I am living right now, in this moment. Live here right now. Practice non-judgement and just let what is be.

I accept and appreciate my current situation.

2. Still my thoughts and meditate a little bit every day. Be silent and just be. I’ve been doing Reiki self healing on myself every day and that feels really good.

I feel fully connected to my experience of life.

3. I visualize myself in positive ways. You are your thoughts, so choose the good ones as they say.

Every cell in my body is healthy and radiates health.

4. Give myself or others a gift and be grateful. It can be a compliment, a smile, a hug, a little piece of dark chocolate or a flower but think of it as appreciation and love for myself and others. Feeling grateful for what I have lifts me up.

I am grateful for all the positive things in my life.

5. Take time out to daydream. I have a dream journal and visualize myself accomplishing my goals. You can write out some steps on how you can accomplish what you want out of life.

I am devoting time and energy toward my goals.

6. I set my intention to be happy and I don’t get wrapped up in drama. You deserve happiness and success and don’t let anyone tell you different.

I am a magnet for happiness and success in my life.

7. Have faith. I believe I am right here in the right moment, doing exactly as I am supposed to. I trust in the universe that if things are not going as planned that there is something better out there for me. It will show itself in time.

All that I need comes to me at the right time and place in my life.

8. Let go and detach. Accept others for who they are. I think it’s true if you hold on to anything too tightly, there is a blockage of energy that happens. So let go and relax. It will all be okay!

I accept everyone as they are and continue to pursue my dreams.

9. Seek out my own unique talents. For me, that’s doing my Art. Every person has something unique about them. If you live your life by asking yourself how you are best suited to serve others with your highest and best self, I believe things will start to unfold for you.

I acknowledge and honor my talents, and share these with others.

10. Laugh! I can feel the endorphins spread through my body after a good laugh. It’s healthy so find ways to laugh more. Watch a funny movie, read a funny book or watch funny videos. And hang out with people who make you laugh!

I’m smiling inside.

For more affirmations, check out my positive affirmation card decks in my Etsy Shop.

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