As a child, I grew up with my bedroom window right next to a fragrant, white blossomed shrub whose scent would waft into my room. It was a fragrant, intoxicating floral aroma. It was a dreamy perfume. One that I would breathe in deeply as I lay on my bed on a warm summer afternoon as I drifted into an afternoon nap.
Just thinking about it makes me relax.
We all need a nap from time to time. It’s especially important for introverts who gather their energy from being by themselves. I’m an introvert and I just love a good nap!
We’re in Todos Santos, Baja, Mx right now. We have a hammock and it is the perfect napping place.
It is the resting of the spirit, the going inward that allows me to come back to the outer world refreshed and ready to create. A nap is like a creative incubation for the soul. It restores me upon awakening and then I can get back into the studio and start creating!

Some people love naps and some people don’t. What about you? Are you a nap person?
Peace and happy creating (and napping),